Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wherever You Go, Whatever You Do; You add Experience!

Getting up at the early morning and a loose schedule throughout the day when you don’t have any work, whatever the crap things one is doing he/she is just adding something to his/her Experience. Ad more over the things become more of interest when the particular person applies his/her intellect to add all those happenings to the stream line of his/her goal.

Actually this may not be a 100% truth but many of the times the work we do in our life, we feel like it is not of worth but what happens in reality is that all those things which we feel are not of any importance becomes valuable when we put a little amount of Intelligence in that so as to correlate that with our ultimate Aim of Life. You may actually check this with your own life. Just do this as an experiment.

But there are certain suggestions which you must have to follow. Behave as before and don’t take the correlation of the work you are doing with the aim of your life or the Specialization you are trying to gain, in the every beginning. Do the things as usual and than try to correlate that at the end of the day. Whatever you will feel, will for sure give you a feeling of satisfaction. So just check this out and give the suggestions if you have any regarding this… so as to find out that what the impacts of our BUSINESSES are on our LIFE

A Game of Business In MBA Life.

There are a number of problems in our studies which can be very easy handled with the help of games. For MBA student there are a number of business games in market; either to know or understand about the share market or to learn about the basics of Marketing, Finance etc, and the things becomes easy when we move toward the Business games. These business games are in a great demand not only by the top B-schools of India but also in different foreign colleges. There are games which have a number of rounds in it at the same time there are many more such games which have a very short duration of ending and learning. These games have a lot of benefits as the team work, the real environment of work, the communication skills, the decision making skills and simply the learning one can get out of it are vast.

So to share with you some of the links both the short and long term games are-



Moneybhai control

Going for Innovation is Safer or Risky?

As per BGC report survey says that the Executives are very much bothered about the return of the Innovations they are getting. What will be the impact of this on Innovation? How far will it effect the growth and development of both the society and the company? Will it decrease the rate of Innovations happening or the number of innovations will get a downfall? These all are the burning and can be the point to think about?

Since Innovation has become the theme and the base line for most of the companies of the world, will they do it in spite of the less return which is the base line for any company? How far is these all going to effect them and what all are the ways by which they can maximize the return on Innovation i.e. Monetization of Innovation in the best possible ways. Will the Cost incurred in Innovating be reduced, again with no compromise with the quality and the value of the product possible? Are some new case studies as the pitfalls in Innovation going to come before the MBA scholars and companies? Let us put our brains and find the ways. May be some new Strategies can be developed…

Here is the BCG report…

BCG Report