After paying Rs.6 lacs of huge amount for 730 days, we are far away from our family from our places, but the question is whether we are utilizing that paid amount which when calculated for one day comes Rs.821.91 per day?
After getting up early in the morning and after wearing the beautiful TIE and BLAZER we forget our reality that we have a loan and overall the expectations of our parents who are working hard there for us. We have someone who has expectations from us.
They think that their son/daughters should not face any problem of money and they even takes a lot of pain for that. Is this the justice we are doing for them? It is not. The matter is that coming here far away from our home we forgot our situations and the dreams which we carried with us. We are among the friends/ girlfriends and we don’t bother about anything. The matter is not that how and with whom we are spending our time, even the matter is not that we are drinking twice in a week but the matter is how much and what new we are learning in a day to move a single step towards our GOAL. Definitely enjoy the life to the fullest and spend time in roaming but let’s learn something new in our life which can prove WORTHWHILE. It will be and it must be. We are given a lot of facilities; we should utilize those to the fullest.