Dear friends, these days I am in between words and not mugging up the same theories and business strategies. yeah I have got a lot of time for reading out those books which were in my mind, they are giving me a lot of learning and a very fine company. The recent book I have finished is 'A brief History of Time' written by a great scientist Mr. Stephen Hawking. While going through the pages of that book I was feeling that if I was in my class of physics and as I am returned back to my science books that I have left earlier. This book discusses about the question for the creation of this Universe and Us. This book gives a scientific look about the questions which are very rarely asked. This also shows the how the philosophy of Aristotle and other philosophers was having importance and how the stream of philosophy and science came to meet at some point. This book doesn't contain any mathematical equations but the fact is put is the same mathematical form with the help of words that can please both a person who is of Science background and of other streams. This contains the theories of nearly all the great scientists who have given their postulates in the Astrophysics, Metaphysics, and topics like relativity which has covered Newton, Einstein and all others.
It has given me the answer of a lot of questions and has added a lot for my life. Moreover it was thrill and learning about the story of Start of Time through the Big Bang and the End of it by Big Crunch.
Will be covering the other silent mentors and posting a brief idea very soon.