The world is moving towards Globalization and the business as well but still the human tendency is not having the move in the same direction. Every one wants to share, but no one wants to disclose the innerness and hence I feel that all are cheating all just for some goals. As all the sharing of knowledge, data and information are for the just to achieve a particular goal or aim. In business, the demand of innovation and creativity are the need for sharing and in our life the aim to be let the other feel and understand you is the reason for the sharing. I would like to give some idea and better a comment about this Hush-hush in Business and Life. In business the strategies, plans and tactics are made and meanwhile the so called sharing and democracy like of fake words are used to show the world that yeah we are together. This is not fair at all as this is a cheat and it should not be done. If one has to do so, than do it, don’t be so good and do the wrong things. In the same manner in human life also this hush-hush happens people comes so closer that the feeling of innerness is created and what is generally behind that is some what which is really the worst of all the things. If you have to do the things to cheat the others is O.k. but do that in the correct way. The Hush-hush happens because of several things. The feeling that the others are smarter than us is the cause. The cheat and the wrong deeds may be the other cause. The person is not having confidence in him/herself. The discloser of the plans and ideas may be utilized by others, which means that the person is not Agile than the others. The person is a coward that he/she fears of the out come. The person is not having the faith in him/her and also in the people. The person is mentally weak and he/she things that he/she is doing the smartest thing and hence they should not share but follow the Hush-hush strategy.
The impacts of this Hush-hush are many-
The level of respect from the people around you will go down. The self respect decreases. The person may get success, but a short term success. The person may loose several things while doing so. And may be a time can come that the particular person can feel bad about the things done by him/her.
What should be done? I personally feel that the “GAME SHOULD BE AN OPEN ONE ALWAYS”. Even if the firm wants to do the biggest thing it should not be in light. Who are the people and what are the assets which are going to be affected by that particular move should be very open. This reduces the risk and then the concerned organization is very much desired and also binds itself to achieve the particular goal or objective.
Also the negative impacts of the process will not affect the people as they already know and they would have adapted or chosen the alternate way for the problem.
The ultimate sense is the “OPEN GAME”.
The example may be what Vijay Malya has done in his business, what Google use to do, what most of the companies of the world used to and those all says that the game is open and everyone knows everything. This everything may be the perception, the opinion, the thoughts, the reality or whatever. It should not the matter for the company. For the competitors the game is tacked by their Intuition. If the intuition of that company is good than they can know and if not they will believe in any Mirage Idea.