Role of the Govt is expanding because of the following reasons-
· Implosion of Credit Markets.
· Subsequent sharp decline in economic activities.
· Concern about social and political activity.
In the West the Role of the Govt is changing which has risen two points-
· Due to the reason of great economic and financial turbulence.
· Representation of discontinuity which redefines Govt Role.
Asian economies; before the economic crisis the routine economic role of Govt was-
· To develop and implement industrial Policy
· Managing exchange Rates
· Deploying Reserves
· Using State-Owned Assets
Asia is less exposed to the turmoil than West because-
· Their respond to the previous decade regional crisis
· Improved Current- Account Positions
· Accumulating reserves
· Being ensured that their Banking systems operated prudently
Effects of Economic crisis on Asia
· Shrink of the economic growth of the region to a limit
· Decreased in the demand from the western markets
· Effective 30 years old Export-led Model is distorted
How to come out, Asia
· Need to find alternative sources of growth to compensate the rapid fall of demand in western Market
· Adapt from Export-led model to some other global economic context
Challenges for the Asian Govt, due to crisis
· The way they operate
· Require adjustment in their roles
Asian Govt will likely be more prominent in the following areas
· Government as Principal Investor
· Government as Alliance builder
· Government as Economic strategist