Saturday, November 29, 2008
Event and Process
Darwin, the great scientist who has given the theory which says “The fittest will survive” i.e. the survival of the fittest theory. According to Darwin, every change that takes place happens gradually and that shows a linear nature on graph. But, the question is that whether is that true or not? Might be he is true in the Frame of Reference in which he has postulated this theory, but not now. The reason behind are the examples like 9/11, Mumbai blast, the innovation of chips, mobile phones, the I & II world wars. Just think for a while that could the situation of today have been the same if the above of the things would not have happened. Not only these things, but many more of the happenings have changed the ways human beings lived. So the result does not remain the same. Actually there remains no Linearity in the graph of change vs. time but there seems to be a Step functional graph.
So a very interesting fact which came across, after discussion was that the above mentioned happenings might be having a lot of planning behind for instance, 9/11 would have taken number of months or years to plan but the execution was just the matter of some fraction of seconds or say minutes. And what happened after that has changed the ways people think, in terms of alertness and many more… so this alertness was developed after just a fraction of moments. To make it more clear let me put the example of the innovation of Bulb. After the innovation of bulb, the life is not as the same and on the same track, the conventional one, but that brought a change in the field of technology and human life. So the entire premise of the story says that the process is no more in the linear form in the current world of technology and sharp human brains.
So there comes two terms that I refer as the PROCESS and the EVENT. For any Process there is an Event. So from the starting of a process till its end there happens and linear nature in-between change and time and the origin for those processes are some or at least Event. The most important think is that is one zooms the process i.e. looks upon a process them is shows a slope nature which is linear.
So one can see that for the world of today every thing or anything changes in just minutes or may be in very little of time, so there can’t be the process of change showing a linear behavior with time but the step functional. And by the way the people who are responsible are the unreasonable people and not the reasonable one.
Primal Branding- Book
This is one of the very fantastic book on Branding with plenty number of examples and stories about a number of companies. One should read this book to know the new ways of branding in which a company creates the Brand image in the mind of the customers and consumers by creating a Belief System with the help of seven codes which are mentioned in the book as-
The Creation Story, the Creed, the Icons, the rituals, the Pagans, the sacred words, and the Leader.
So the above are the mentioned assets by which a company can create a Belief System which generates a sense of Belief in the mind of the Customers and that the line quoted next in the book says that “Believing means Belonging” So one the thing goes right in the brain with the correct of message to the customers, they start loving and associating the particular product or service with themselves. Some of the examples which I can be able to put here are the Google, Nike and the rest are in huge numbers. So those people who want to learn newer ways of Branding and those who possess keen desire in reading the examples and stories of success and failures of the companies, take time to read this book.
Primal Branding
Innovation Management
Many of us have attended the classes for hours but some gets the chance to learn a fantastic subject and that too by an excellent Professor not for some hours but for the entire night…..
Yeah that happened in ISBR. The subject was Innovation Management and the person for the day (not day indeed but Night) as Guru was Mr. Pavan Soni, Innovation Evangelist and Innovation Consultant, Wipro.
I was one among the bunch of lucky students to have the lecture…
It all started at 9 pm and ended at early morning till 5.00 am.
The journey for the day on the boat of IM (Innovation Management), with a commander like Pavan Soni was unforgettable. What is Innovation? Difference between Invention and Innovation was taught with the relevant examples. Innovation was not taken as to be taught only in Business, but also in politics, economy, how great people did that and to conclude that as the point of observation in every human being. There happened a lot times when the biggest of the theories were revised, given commend upon and discarded with logical and factual data.
The Product Innovation, Process Innovation and Business Model Innovation were discussed in detail with plenty of examples. The impact of these innovations on customers, company and top line& bottom line of any organization were interesting to understand.
Now, there happened a lot of Big Companies in the cold night so why not a small cup of Tea in the break…
After break, IBM’s survey and interview of 100 CEO’s from all around the world in the form of a report which described that where and at what degree of importance Innovation is in the companies and how does they do that.
Incremental, Breakthrough and Disruptive Innovation was taught and their order on the basis of performance and price.
GPI (General Purpose Innovation) and SPI (Specific Purpose Innovation) was discussed.
Tom Peters (a great management guru) definition of Innovation, “Innovation is equal to WOW” was quite interesting and impressive creating WOW in the students.
The other topics were the Obstacles for Innovation, Investment of companies in Innovation, Similarities in Innovators, How to measure Innovation and BCG survey on Innovation was discussed. The ROI (Return on Innovation), Monetizing Innovation were the interesting one.
And finally, LIGHT …the sunlight which appeared to enter through the windows of thought after a lot of Unlearning and Learning.
Special thanks to the Professor …