Be the CEO of your Company
Cells, Tissues, Organs, Organ Systems and finally a Man or simply a Human Being…
What is this?
Ok…..before all these let me tell you something about a Company. What is a company? It is a group of people who use to do the things for some common goal or purpose. And what is our body? It is also the same as a company because all the parts are integrated to make several processed having a common goal. All the cells and tissues forming the organ systems have the common goal in the body. Now there is a CEO for a company and what about this human body? Who is the CEO?
Is it you or is someone else? Is there some alliance between you and some other person or your company or is it you who takes the decisions for the processes? The answer could be different but the fact is that IT IS ONLY YOU AND YOU WHO IS THE CEO OF THIS ESTEEMED COMPANY-your own body. We keep on building day to day strategies and we also make our own values and ethics as in an organization. What a similarity….fantastic; isn’t it? A company is born sometime and the same is us. A company has relations and stakeholders and the same is with us also. We have a number of relations with people and the employees are within our own body. Yeah really it is our own mind which governs each and everything. We are the CEO; if not in a MNC then what it is our own company. The directors are the family members and our parents. Each and every member keeps on trying over the competitive advantage over us same as in a corporate world. I call this world as the HUMAN world rather than the corporate world.
There are very limited companies in the corporate world and the numbers of people who want to become a CEO are in numbers than what remains the option before one? It is the ownership of the same company in which we are working. Once we will assume this as company and start working for it, it will be a real fun and the level of confidence, the time management, the situation management and the opportunity cost, the ledger and the balance sheet ….all will be in our hand and we will be able to comply with the rules and regulations of our body very well…
So friends keep on working and see the effect and believe me for that, you will feel the change and development within …
Give me the feedback so that I can become able to make this a worthwhile…one…
Again and as usual this is a battleground LIFE and here we do our BUSINESS; either this way or the other…..