What is a dynamic process?
simple ... isn't it?
The process which is dynamic is called a Dynamic Process.
now comes the fun and the game.
how come we say that a process is dynamic in nature? Are there some standard,to measure the momentum of any process or is just the simple vision?
yea.. it is some of the times the vision and perception and many of the times the facts of standard. There is a sequence of any process and many times the next steps followed is considered as the dynamic state of it. This is also true. But what really could satisfy the means and justification of the word 'Dynamic'. CHANGE.....
Change is the only constant, in this entire universe and that is the justification with the word DYNAMIC.. became complicated yea friends this is the effect of the word change and dynamic. Once these happens either in any concepts of BUSINESS or in the ways of LIFE, it brings a sense of disturbance to make a new reality to be known to the world. One becomes unstable to reach a better standard of stability. In the process of Innovation the Change is the factor and in the process of Knowledge Management the Dynamic word plays its role...
How easy the world is and how complicated the things are made....
Again this is because it is LIFE and we never stops of doing our BUSINESSES...