Customers are the point of concentration of all the firms and it is only the customer base only which makes a company like Wal-Mart, Google and others to stand in the top Fortune list...
The market are shifting from the PRODUCT based to the CUSTOMERS based marketing and the techniques of ERP and CRM are used by one and all. Here, sometimes happens the situation of confusion among the customers whether they should use the product or not... who will give the solution of such problems?
Phizer.Ltd, the Indian unit of the US based pharmaceutical giant has launched an anti- smoking drug here named Varenicline sold as Champix which has the course treatment of three months and the charge comes Rs. 9,500.
Any smoker has a probability of cancer and death, but this medicine as an anti-smoking drug can be able to solve this problem but the problem comes for a customer when there is no any surety that the medicine or any product is good for them or not. It is like the situation in which one side is the sea and the other side is a bay. What to do and what not to do? This problem comes only for the customers who really want to quit smoking not for the others.
The company should come forward and say that the product is totally good to use so that we as a customers can be assured to use it as it will not possess any harm.
gaurav today market is customer based. because no company can impose its product on the consumers. it is the desire of that customer he buy or not that product, if we make a product by taking care of customer desires and its suitability definitely we can capture the market. these big companies like you mentioned in your blog, they always think like a customer not a producer, that is why they are today big name.so think always at the point of view of custumer and this is one way to become innovator.